Contact John Kendrick, you can either use the contact page enquiry form or call us on 01989 474 474.
Discuss your planning intentions with our advisors and we will assess the opportunities and constraints of your proposal.
Review our responses, we will aim to highlight potential risks and strategies providing you with a realistic course of action. Ltd is a combined practice of professionals offering a full range of Town and Country Planning Services. Some members have previously worked within Local Planning Authorities and The Planning Inspectorate. Others have a research and academic background and specialise in the various requirements of achieving valid and operable planning permissions in the development process.
Most have post graduate qualifications and full professional memberships in their chosen sphere of operation. has over 30 years experience in dealing with virtually every type of planning application and appeal in a regime which is becoming increasingly bureaucratic and complex.
We offer full Planning Application and Appeal services together with harnessing meaningful representations in the new Allocations Development Plan and Neighbourhood Plan processes and as a last resort make Planning Court Challenges and Judicial Reviews in relation to Local Planning Authorities actions.
We are specialists in co-ordinating pre-applications, initial representations and responses to Local Planning Authorities. An Associate will act as your designated Consultant and ongoing adviser.
We provide initial advice always without obligation or fee.